We offer unique Vinyasa style Yoga classes, kids yoga, teacher trainings for the serious yogi, and yoga retreats for the fun-loving yogi.
Viveka Yoga team experienced benefits of yoga in their day-to-day life and decided to share their experience across the globe.The team strongly believes that yoga can transform one’s life through connection of body, mind and soul and enables one to live a healthy and peaceful life. Yoga is derived from sanskrit word “yuj” which means “to join” mind, body and soul. Yoga is one of the ancient practices which has golden effects.One should incorporate yoga in his daily life so that his mind, intellect and ego are under control.
We at Viveka Yoga strive to introduce an authentic yogic experience to transform one’s life. We seek to build an empire of yogis and yoginis where everyone lives in peace and harmony. It is said yoga is the path to spiritual jouney. Viveka Yoga invites you to take a step forward to begin your true spiritual journey to reach your inner true self.

It is our endeavour to ensure that our students derive maximum benefits from the course and implement the yogic practice in their real life which should help them to deal with stress and anxiety and live a healthy and peaceful life.

With the real understanding of yoga asanas and pranayama, meditation and relaxation, we guide our students to the path of self discovery.

“Experience the manifestation of energy with your self practice”